We're going on a little adventure, and we'd love you to come along with us. Unfortunately the baggage allowance won't allow for that so welcome to the place where we will share our experiences with you.
The Cooper Family are, in order of importance:
Lisa (The Mum) - Head of family and the most likely to book another holiday whilst we're on this one. Absolute escapist and explorer. The world has so much to offer and i'm ready to sample.
Roman (The Small Person) - Our beautiful son who is 5 going on 15. He loves traveling and exploring just as much as we do - on dress up day at nursery he asked to dress as a holiday maker!
JC (Dad) - Workaholic who deserves the holiday more than anyone. More than likely to be found lounging by the pool with beer in hand enjoying the rest.
I have to put a quick note about our beloved Bulldog Boycie who will be unable to make the trip with us. He is like a second child to us, but we can relax, knowing he is in good hands and safe at home on British shores making the most of the peace and quiet.
We are of course leaving behind a wealth of folk who we love dearly. Some human, some animals! We have a big family who always help and support our trips. Amazing friends; some new and some that we've had a lifetime but new or old we are lucky to have lovely people in our life and I hope they enjoy joining us on our journey and feeling through our blog what we are experiencing.
We have travelled as a family, and also before Roman came along.
Our favourite place to travel as a family? We would struggle to find a place we can all agree on. My favourite area is Asia where we have spent many months tasting, smelling and living the vibrant city life and even more time relaxing on beaches with the sea lapping the shore at night. Roman is 5 so it was always going to be Orlando, but hey! Who wouldn't love it. His second choice is Cambodia, the temples were huge climbing frames and he loved it.
John's not fussy, beach, sun and beer.... All boxes ticked.
This trip will take place from 18th November and we will return on 18th February.
The trip will be South Africa, 28 days to fit in as much as we can.
Following this we have 10 days in Perth where we will be celebrating Christmas on the beach, a new thing for us as a family.
Finally we arrive into Singapore December 30th 2011 and our next flight is booked from Hong Kong on february 17th.
This is the basic itinery but we're sure there will be a little flexibility here and there.